Refrigeration tons to BTU per hour conversion

Tons to BTU/hr conversion calculator

Result in BTU/hr: BTU/hr

Tons to BTU/hr conversion table

Power (tons) Power (BTU/hr)
0.1 RT 1200 BTU/hr
0.2 RT 2400 BTU/hr
0.3 RT 3600 BTU/hr
0.4 RT 4800 BTU/hr
0.5 RT 6000 BTU/hr
0.6 RT 7200 BTU/hr
0.7 RT 8400 BTU/hr
0.8 RT 9600 BTU/hr
0.9 RT 10800 BTU/hr
1 RT 12000 BTU/hr
2 RT 24000 BTU/hr
3 RT 36000 BTU/hr
4 RT 48000 BTU/hr
5 RT 60000 BTU/hr
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