Degrees to Radians conversion calculator

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Degrees to radians conversion table

Degrees (°) Radians (rad) Radians (rad)
0 rad 0 rad
30° π/6 rad 0.5235987756 rad
45° π/4 rad 0.7853981634 rad
60° π/3 rad 1.0471975512 rad
90° π/2 rad 1.5707963268 rad
120° 2π/3 rad 2.0943951024 rad
135° 3π/4 rad 2.3561944902 rad
150° 5π/6 rad 2.6179938780 rad
180° π rad 3.1415926536 rad
270° 3π/2 rad 4.7123889804 rad
360° 2π rad 6.2831853072 rad
See also  Microvolts to volts conversion

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