dBm to watts conversion

dBm to watts conversion calculator

Watts result: W

dBm to watts conversion table

Power (dBm) Power (W)
-30 dBm 0.000001 W
-20 dBm 0.00001 W
-10 dBm 0.0001 W
0 dBm 0.001 W
1 dBm 0.0012589 W
2 dBm 0.0015849 W
3 dBm 0.0019953 W
4 dBm 0.0025119 W
5 dBm 0.0031628 W
6 dBm 0.0039811 W
7 dBm 0.0050119 W
8 dBm 0.0063096 W
9 dBm  0.0079433 W
10 dBm 0.01 W
20 dBm 0.1 W
30 dBm 1 W
40 dBm 10 W
50 dBm  100 W
See also  425 Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion

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