Celsius to Kelvin conversion


Kelvin: K

Celsius to Kelvin conversion table

Celsius (°C) Kelvin (K) Description
-273.15 °C 0 K absolute zero temperature
-50 °C 223.15 K  
-40 °C 233.15 K  
-30 °C 243.15 K  
-20 °C 253.15 K  
-10 °C 263.15 K  
0 °C 273.15 K freezing/melting point of water
10 °C 283.15 K  
20 °C 293.15 K  
21 °C 294.15 K room temperature
30 °C 303.15 K  
37 °C 310.15 K average body temperature
40 °C 313.15 K  
50 °C 323.15 K  
60 °C 333.15 K  
70 °C 343.15 K  
80 °C 353.15 K  
90 °C 363.15 K  
100 °C 373.15 K boiling point of water
200 °C 473.15 K  
300 °C 573.15 K  
400 °C 673.15 K  
500 °C 773.15 K  
600 °C 873.15 K  
700 °C 973.15 K  
800 °C 1073.15 K  
900 °C 1173.15 K  
1000 °C 1273.15 K  
See also  Horsepower to watts conversion

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