[SOLVED] URL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect

[SOLVED] URL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect

In this post we will show you SOLVED URL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect, hear for [SOLVED] URL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect we will give you tips for solve error.

this redirect failed because the redirect uri is not whitelisted in the app’s client oauth settings

URL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not white-listed in the app’s client OAuth settings. Make sure that the client and web OAuth logins are on and add all your app domains as valid OAuth redirect URIs.

#Tip 1 :: URL blocked: This redirect failed

Make sure “App Domain” and Facebook Login => Valid OAuth redirect URIs. There you must check www or without www. It’s better if you use with www or without for all URLs in php, html, css files and Facebook app settings.

Other thing is if you’re using “/” end of the URLs you must add that URL to app settings of Valid OAuth redirect URIs. Example:- https://www.pakainfo.com/index.php/ if this url if youre using in the redirect url you must set that to app settings.

#Tip 2 :: URL blocked: This redirect failed

this redirect failed because the redirect uri is not whitelisted in the app’s client oauth settings
this took me a while to figure out. If it’s not working after checking the steps above, make sure you’ve done these things:

  • Make the app public by going to “app review”
  • Make sure “Embedded Browser Oauth Login” is Yes

#Tip 3 :: URL blocked: This redirect failed

The login with Facebook button on your site is linking to:


Notice: redirect_uri=http://openstrategynetwork.com/_oauth/facebook

If you instead change the link to:


It should work. Or, you can change the Facebook link to http://openstrategynetwork.com/_oauth/facebook

You can also add http://localhost/_oauth/facebook to the valid redirect URIs.

Facebook requires that you whitelist redirect URIs, since otherwise people could login with Facebook for your service, and then send their access token to an attacker’s server! And you don’t want that to happen

Hope this code and post will helped you for implement [SOLVED] URL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect. if you need any help or any feedback give it in comment section or you have good idea about this post you can give it comment section.
